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NJ Clean Energy Program for Businesses

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

It is estimated that the building sector contributes 26% of carbon emission in New Jersey.

Reducing the energy bills and carbon emissions of your business is easy thanks to the grants available from New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program. Some of the energy efficiency programs have moved from the state to the utilities, which in Montclair is PSE&G.

There are 3 main programs designed to make your business more energy efficient, at an affordable price, so you can start saving money on running costs immediately. The up-front money for the project is provided by PSE&G, then you pay for the equipment on your electricity bill over time, with no interest, which amounts to small savings in the short run and big savings once the equipment is paid off.

With the effects of climate change impacting Montclair with heatwaves, storms, and periods of droughts and flooding we need everyone to begin their journey to going carbon neutral now. For inspiration you can read the IPCC SR15 report that is the first time scientists have placed a timeline on cutting carbon emissions to zero. To avoid the most harmful impacts of climate change we must reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2050. Do your part by reducing energy consumption while saving money using NJ Clean Energy Program and offset the rest using Carbon Credits to achieve a carbon neutral business.

Here are some steps that most small businesses in Montclair can follow:

1. Get free Energy Benchmarking done to see how efficient your business is.

2. Contact an Energy Advisor at PSE&G to learn which program is best for you.

3. Switch your business car to electric or truck to the Ford F-150 Lightning.

Energy Benchmarking - Free - You just need your electric and gas bills to get a report showing you the best programs to fund your energy efficiency upgrades. This is quick & effective with no onsite visit necessary. Just complete the Energy Data Release Form and select your industry from the list on this site and submit the form.

Large Energy Users Program - Incentives up to $4,000,000 - For businesses that spend at least $5,000,000 in total annual energy costs, you can upgrade your equipment with incentives up to $4 million dollars. Apply using the online enrollment portal.

Start here by contacting an Energy Advisor to get started with the fastest way for you to save.

The application through PSE&G is the same whether you want to upgrade individual items or retrofit an entire building. Here is the list of incentives for purchasing equipment that uses energy to get rebates for upgrading to energy efficient equipment then pay for the upgrades on your electric bill.

The Direct Install program starts with a free energy audit, followed by consultation of energy efficiency upgrades, then the upgrades are installed and the business pays only 30% of the costs of the upgrades on their electric bill spread out over 60 months (5 years). The Societal Benefits fund, which you pay into when you pay for electricity or natural gas, pays for 70% of the upgrade cost. This program installs energy efficient lights and appliances only if you save money immediately. Your electric & gas bill will go down slightly while paying off the 30% you owe, then your electric & gas bill will go down significantly once the project is paid off.


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